Ever notice how much we tend to resist doing what God tells us? In some ways, I see traces of myself in those religiously educated people that Jesus confronted. Jesus once made it crystal clear to an expert in the law what was necessary to inherit eternal life (Luke 10). Love God. Love your neighbor. When told this, the religious person didn’t respond: “How can I love my neighbor well? Teach me to love as you do, Lord." Instead, he sought to limit the call and command of God on his life. He wanted to justify limiting his love to the people who were like him. His hope was to alleviate any responsibility for loving those who were different. Like many people, he preferred a “ministry” that was clean, well-organized, safe, respectable, and not really for everyone.
Jesus launched into what we all know as the “Parable of the Good Samaritan.” He painted a picture of real love that was willing to cross social and cultural lines in order to meet the needs of a hurting person. This Samaritan accepted responsibility for the need in front of him, stepped into the mess, and provided an opportunity for a broken person to be healed. That is the heartbeat of the Come Closer invitation.
Let’s be careful not to separate ourselves, our families, and our churches from our neighbors’ deepest pain and need. Let’s be aware of the temptation to live comfortable, safe, well-organized, and respectable religious lives that are far removed from messy ministry. Jesus did not remain in the comfort of heaven, but stepped into our mess in order to save us. He didn’t wait until we were respectable to serve us. He gave his life while were were still sinners, still dirty, still unsafe. He showed us great mercy. Let’s be like Jesus.
If you’re looking for ways to come closer (as an individual, family, church, or organization) and be a part of addressing the deep needs in the Spartanburg area, you can find ways to connect listed here on our website: www.comecloserspartanburg.com