Spartanburg County has approximately 850 inmates being held in the Detention Center. 93% of those inmates are released back into the community in a relatively short period of time. In addition, hundreds of inmates return to our area annually upon release from state prisons. Just like us, each one needs the forgiveness, mercy, and new life available in Christ. And because of their past, they encounter unique challenges to building that new life. You can be a part of ministering to those who have committed criminal offenses. In so doing, you can be a part of ministering to their families. In addition you are addressing some of the big picture needs in our community - such as fatherlessness, addiction, poverty, and lostness.
Below are a few ways you, your group, or your church can make a difference.
PRAY. Not everyone can minister inside the walls but everyone can minister from outside the walls.
PROVIDE DISCIPLESHIP LITERATURE. From time to time, on an as needed basis, we will post an opportunity to join in providing Bibles and discipleship materials for inmates in our local Detention Center. In 2022, Bibles were provided to ensure there was no shortage for inmates who requested one. In March of 2023, there were 1,000 copies of the “Starting Over; Building a New Life” discipleship books purchased and made available for inmates.
If you have a relationship with an inmate or an inmate that has been released and is seeking to build a new life, consider ordering a couple of copies of the Starting Over book. It’s a great discipleship tool for you to walk through with them. You may want to order copies for your church or organization to have available as a way to minister to offenders.
HELP WITH RE-ENTRY MINISTRY. One of the most successful re-entry programs in the nation is located right here in our community. Jumpstart Ministries offers intensive discipleship to inmates in state prisons, prepares them for release, and then provides support as they transition into life in the community. You can serve as an inside volunteer, a mentor for those who are released, a financial contributor, a second chance employer, or in other ways. To find out more, connect with Jumpstart.