Ministry to the Poor
“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…” - Matthew 7:12
You might be amazed at the need and the poverty that exists within just a few minutes of where you live, work, and play. A child in one of our partnership ministry efforts once made this statement to a teacher: “It’s hard to learn about Jesus when your stomach hurts.” Addressing physical needs in emergencies, but also in a way that helps to point people out of poverty is crucial. Here are some ways you can step into ministry among the poor in a way that does both.
Miracle Hill Ministries provides emergency shelter and resources, residential programs, and addiction programs for those who are experiencing homelessness. Volunteers can lead chapel services, serve meals, provide financial support, and discover ways to mentor and build discipling relationships. You can learn more and connect here:
Mobile Meals provides meals to 1,400 residents throughout Spartanburg County who are in need of food. You can pray, serve, and care for some of the most vulnerable people in our area by serving as a volunteer driver to deliver meals. It takes about 90 minutes of your time one day a week. You can learn more here:
Spartanburg Soup Kitchen provides daily meals to homeless and low income individuals in our city. You can give and/or serve as a volunteer. Sometimes this daily meal may be what keeps a person alive or makes up for food they can’t afford to purchase on their household income. Throughout the County, there are other Soup Kitchens and food pantries that serve local communities. Connecting with one is a great way to connect with hurting people where you live.
The Bridge at Green Street is a unique Christian ministry in the center of our city designed to offer a hand up rather than a hand out. They provide a variety of services through volunteers, aimed at meeting both emergency needs and helping to pave a path out of poverty. The Bridge operates as a ministry under the umbrella of First Baptist Spartanburg, but is a partnership effort among multiple ministries and volunteers from other churches.
If addressing homelessness is on your heart, consider taking a few minutes and looking over this resource. It may help you think through how you choose to get involved and allow you to become part of a coordinated strategy.